The Suez Blockage...

Apparently the ship owners are now routing their other vessels around Africa! It doesn't seem Even Green will be free anytime soon!
This could be really serious. This year has been ridiculous for bringing things in from the Far East as most things seem to. The pandemic initially shut down manufacturing and shipping from China. But it’s takes a few months for that to be felt here, so when we went into lockdown it masked it.
But the rush for work from home equipment has just about cleared out the micro chip stock. There are already delays at ports like Felixstowe adding two weeks to goods being available.

throw in the Suez Canal being blocked for any length of time there will be a shortage of almost everything that comes from China in a months or so’s time. Apparently it’s hide tide on Monday which is the best chance of freeing the vessel in the short time frame.

sorry to bore you but that’s all I’ve done at work today