The weekend beer and music thread

Good evening my people. Fantastic last Saturday, no not the football. The Wilson had Old Speckled Hen on, and it was the best I’d ever tasted. Three pints in 45 minutes waiting for the 6 o’clock ratler home. Magic

But tonight, fairly quiet as I gird my loins for next Saturday’s trip to QPR. Actually should be a good day seeing family. But to night Mumford a d sons, in the company of the king. All hail the king!! E6C20CB5-7ACA-467B-9557-2F116E0035FE.jpeg
Evening, I’m back out in lovely Lanza, except it’s not been so lovely the last couple of days, had to wear a fleece tonight 🙄. So drinking at home, cheap Vińa Sol - it’s ok-ish but boring after a couple.

Music, just pulled this up for no good reason and don’t imagine many will be arrsed to listen to the whole track but…..

When the love of your life has cancer, you write a song about her, and she directs you in the video. This. It's effin brilliant.

Jeez that is incredible, with the background story so powerful.

As this is a beer and music thread this is my share of a track I’ve always assumed was about a loved one with cancer not the obvious theme, I could be wrong, but that’s how I hear it……..
