Troy Hawke

I like his greeters guild stuff, can be very sharp and genuinely amusing in the interactions.

Not sure about his stand up though, although not seen much of it to be fair.
I saw him live a few years ago at my local sports club, which has a fairly well respected comedy night. Thought he was decent.
I only heard of him a couple of years ago, clips were coming up on my facebook and Instagram feed, very quick witted and funny, Jan Molby approves.
Very funny.. saw him earlier this year doing a work in progress gig at The Georgian Theatre in Stockton. Wondered if the stuff he does out on the streets would translate to a good stage act but it really did
I find his social media content really good and seen a few small clips of his stand up…
I’d love to go see him but like with Paul smith of hot water comedy, is he better in small clips than a whole show?