Unbelievable Jeff: Quiz Chris Kamara Thanks To Tickets For Troops - The former Royal Navy footballer will answer your questions. [www.forces.net]


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Unbelievable Jeff: Quiz Chris Kamara Thanks To Tickets For Troops

The former Royal Navy footballer will answer your questions

26th November 2020 at 2:49pm

[British Forces Broadcasting Service: https://radio.bfbs.com/stations/bfbs-uk]

Chris Kamara And A Happy New Year Christmas Album For Tickets For Troops Q&A Article

Legendary professional footballer, manager and pundit Chris Kamara will be hosting a free online Q&A session in an event presented by BFBS in partnership with the Tickets For Troops charity.
With live events being cancelled due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, Tickets For Troops and BFBS wanted to ensure that the UK military and their families continue to feel entertained and supported. About the Zoom chat, Chris said:
“I’m really looking forward to catching up with the forces next Monday with BFBS and Tickets for Troops.

"I hope they’re going to be kind with the questions but I’m ready for anything. Bring it on.”
So, for one hour from 6pm UK time on Monday, November 30, former Royal Navy footballer Kammy, as he is affectionately known, will be answering questions live from the lucky participants who will join him at the Zoom event: ‘Quiz Chris Kamara’.
Tickets for the event can be secured for free via Tickets For Troops – the military charity which provides free tickets to members of the Armed Forces for a variety of sporting, musical and cultural events.
Chris Kamara And A Happy New Year Christmas Album For Tickets For Troops Q&A Article

Sky Sports pundit Chris, who is on the latest episode of BFBS Radio podcast Team Talk talking about how he got through lockdown, will be joined by broadcaster Hal Stewart, who will host the event and take questions live from the online audience.
Kammy’s passion for football risked being nipped in the bud when he joined the Royal Navy as a teenager on the insistence of his former Navy-serving father, Albert.
Speaking with Hal on BFBS Radio in 2018 he said he had a chance to be an apprentice at Middlesbrough Football Club as a youngster but that his father was ‘totally against it’ and made his brother join the British Army on leaving school, before making Kammy himself sign up for the Royal Navy.
That could have been the end of his footballing dreams but, undeterred, he ended up playing for the Royal Navy's football team.
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He is still as passionate today about his support for Britain's Armed Forces (particularly the Navy) and shared that he does as much as he can to offer his support. He said:
"They get in touch with me from time to time to send stuff for them to put in the Mess or whatever while they're away at sea."
Attendees to Monday's online chat are encouraged to post questions in the chat room about anything from Chris’ iconic “unbelievable Jeff” outcry during match day commentary on Soccer Saturday to his time serving with the Royal Navy.
Chris Kamara And A Happy New Year Christmas Album For Tickets For Troops Q&A Article

Meanwhile, with Christmas just round the corner, Chris is releasing his second album ‘… And A Happy New Year’, on November 27, 2020, following on from the unprecedented success of his debut ‘Here’s To Christmas’ last year.
At the time of its release in 2019, people took to social media referring to Chris as Britain’s answer to Canadian singer/songwriter, Michael Bublé, famous for his Christmas songs. Chris' latest single, ‘I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday’, was released on November 12, 2020.

Evie Chandler, Operations Manager, Tickets For Troops said:
“We enjoyed the Q&A with Gary Lineker so much that we wondered which other legends might want to spend an hour with our members?
“With Chris Kamara being ex-Navy we were thrilled when he said yes. We can’t wait to see what gems TFT members and BFBS listeners come up with this time.
"We hope you’re ready, Chris.”

Flippin eck Roofie. I would have loved to have chatted with Chris. I went to school with his brother George (St Thomas's ) and after I left the army I went to work with his dad Albert at RBF at British Steel. At that time Chris was playing for Swindon. One of so many coincidences in my life was when I was doing my trade training at Bordon I met a lad who had transferred from Green Howards to REME who knew George. I mentioned this to Albert and he gave me his huge smile and deafening laughter. Albert drank in the Erimus in the Cleveland Centre. No matter where I was or who I was with if he ever saw me in town he would shout in the loudest voice, "Hey Chris, how're doin'".
A most wonderful man.
He still does the BFBS podcast and helps Forces Charities - but he is a modest man away from the glare of the TV cameras.(y)