Where do we go from here?

Leo gets criticised for being too shouty, Cattermole for being a Doyle when he was younger and Carrick because he doesn’t seem interested in being a manger anymore..

So we go for shouty doyle who hasn’t managed since 2011
We need someone who is going to ask the players to do their fooking jobs
The 3 Doyle’s that let that player not only watch the the flight of the ball control it and then shoot without a challenge should be ashamed not to even come back into the changing room
We need someone who is going to ask the players to do their fooking jobs
The 3 Doyle’s that let that player not only watch the the flight of the ball control it and then shoot without a challenge should be ashamed not to even come back into the changing room
100% agree with that.. just don’t think Roy Keane is the man