Which animals are the hardest

A vote for Hippo's here... you definitely don't want one of those in your back garden pond.
Clearly the Cape Cobra, capable of bringing down a plane, did it without brute force, and then disappeared into the ether.

Top work, keeping his venom for another day to boot.

1. Wasps
2. Wasps
3. Wasps

Or are we excluding insects?
When we first moved into our house (nearly 5 years ago) within the first few days we noticed a lot for wasps in the back garden and getting into the kitchen. It soon became apparent that they were getting into a cavity just above the back door.

My other halves Dad popped round one afternoon with the white powder spray whilst we were at work and sprayed it into the cavity.

When I got in from work, I’d never witnessed a scene like it. There were hundreds of wasps - lots dead, but some stumbling around the kitchen floor. Must have covered around 50% of the kitchen floor.

My missus completely freaked out. We had to basically sweep them all up and bin them. The house had been empty a year before we bought so they’d obviously got in during that period and nobody had noticed.

Each morning for about 4-5 days we woke up to more dead wasps. There must be a fairly decent sized nest in the gap between our kitchen ceiling and roof.

Awful things but not hard.

Kangaroos always look pretty handy though!
You do hear of bears sometimes backing down if someone fights back.

I wouldn’t fancy accidentally stumbling anywhere near a Hippos territory. Ridiculously aggressive and can literally bite you in half. Are they still at Pablo Escobars old gaff?
Hippos are the odd ones because they're mostly vegetarian. A lady I knew on safari once crossed the field to the latrine at night, without her glasses, and walked right into one. fortunately it was either in a good mood, or asleep.

A friend of mine in Kenya was once offered a Rhodesian Ridgeback pup to train as a guard dog. He went round to collect, and the owner wasn't there - so he walked up to mother and pups and picked one out, and walked away with it. When the owner returned, he couldn't believe that Dennis had got away with his life - but presumably the air of utmost confidence was enough to fool the dog into not attacking. Never show fear!