Why have we changed our style

McNair typified this today hardly crossed the halfway line but a few weeks ago he was charging forward to look for chances and create space in around their box.

So what’s behind the reversion to old ways.
We simply do not have the energy to play that way anymore, season has caught up with us by 3 leg sapping cup games. Losing key players at key times and having 4 endlessly rotated shot shy strikers.

When Lumley waved the shot in against Hull, our collective confidence has evaporated.
He hasn't been in good form recently but in a way I felt we missed Crooks for his link-up play down the right.

There was a moment early on where Issiah had the ball down the right and you could see he was waiting for someone to make an overlapping run down the line but Mcgree was behind him and wanted the ball playing to his feet.

Then not long after Djiksteel played the ball to Jones, who played it to Mcgree and Djiksteel had made the forward run, expecting Mcgree to play him the ball down the line but Mcgree wasn't on the same page.

We're not playing those little triangles as much to get players in behind the defence so we've become very easy to play against and predictable.
That’s a great point as we used to be full throttle from the first whistle to the last snd it was clear out energy levels wore teams down.

But now just look ordinary.
Teams are doubling up on Jones. You stop him then you stop us.

Crooks goals dried up and now suspended. He's amazingly our top scorer.

I'm also slightly surprised we've bombed out Taylor. We looked far better at the back with him played at LB.
As This isnt the swashbuckling up and them style you normally associate with wilder.

There has been a def shift to getting out long and looking to create something ftom
The flanks thank playing through the middle like we were doing.
It’s awful!’ It kills off every single attack. It slows us down, brings the opposition back into the game and makes us predictable.

I hate it and it’s doing my head in!
It's a strange one, because Wilder is making it sound like it's being done against his wishes in the press conference.

The seeming fear to take a shot today was bizarre.
Jones is getting squeezed by a full back and extra midfielder, there’s no space in behind. Unfortunately we don’t have the same threat down the left, so we quickly run out of ideas.
The midfield is looking very slow and ponderous, we don’t shift the ball fast enough. And along with many others Jones looked out in his feet, which in his defence isnt that surprising after an illness.
Ball retention was far too slow today, not really sure why. Could be knackered, could be Crooks, could be nerves playing against a top side when it matters.

Thought they did a decent job on Jones but he still got into good positions a few times. Absolutely zero movement or intelligence from the forwards didn't help though.
Rubbish- the top players in this division are in full stride atm.
Not rubbish to say they look tired. They do. Very much so. Why? Could be the type of football they have been asked to play and they can't maintain high press. Ageing legs from Howson, illness and i jury from Crooks and Jones.
I would say fatigue. Particularly with the likes of Crooks, Jones and Howson.
I would have to agree with you. The squad imo is too thin plus we have three loaners playing upfront who just don’t seem to be pulling their weight. To compound matters the likes of Hall, Payero, Siliki and perhaps one or two others just aren’t considered good enough for Wilder so basically we’re playing with the same 14 players every game. Last point is that when Wilder was with Sheff U they also couldn’t score.
Fatigue , never understood why that gets mentioned regarding professional super fit footballers , at most they may play 2 competitive games a week , and in each game they aren’t busting a gut the full 90 minutes .
fatigue is rubbish as far as an excuse is concerned .
give me £10k a week and I’ll do 90 minutes a day ……well, if I wasnt 50 and overweight 😂
Fatigue , never understood why that gets mentioned regarding professional super fit footballers , at most they may play 2 competitive games a week , and in each game they aren’t busting a gut the full 90 minutes .
fatigue is rubbish as far as an excuse is concerned .
give me £10k a week and I’ll do 90 minutes a day ……well, if I wasnt 50 and overweight 😂

Fatigue is relative, none of the players are unfit but some are clearly not 100% and for some it's mental.

As a team, we look fatigued.