I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to prove but for avoidance of doubt:
1. If you aren't in favour of change then you are, at the very least, comfortable with the status quo*
2. If you rubbish every proposal for change put forward, without giving reasons for your disapproval, the only logical explanation is that you are actively opposed to change (see 1).
3. You obviously (assuming the footnote isn't correct) benefit from the status quo otherwise you'd want to see the narrative changed so we could approach the UK's finances from a more realistic viewpoint.
You disagree with posters that have championed actual change - rather than just a change of government with the same narratives in place. If you don't benefit from the status quo then you're an idiot. I don't think you're an idiot. Ergo you obviously benefit from the status quo.
*I can also accept that you may be a masochist - there is plenty of evidence of this from USians with regards health insurance, unionisation, gun-law etc.