Words that really annoy you.

When talking to my American colleagues and tney say …… noodling ….. laser focused .

makes me want to press end on the zoom immediately
Sure...my 14 Yr old daughters reply to questions instead of yes or OK. Just makes her sound arsey
"Do you want a drink?"
Could be worse. My father in law's stock reply to do you want a cup of tea is "If you want". Roughly translated this means if you're making one I'll have one, if you're expecting me to make it I'll not bother.
Certain office talk annoys me. Such as when you hear something being described as 'high level' or when someone asks who is giving the 'steer' on a new process/system change.

The use of the word fart in a phrase makes me cringe too. 'That's a right fart on' or 'they want to know the far end of a fart.'
bull**** bingo it was called.
You each go into the meeting holding cards with power words/phrases like ;
Up to speed
Cost effective
The first to cross off say 3 of their words stands up and shouts bull**** bingo.
The prize can be being put on another re training scheme.