Worst jobs you ever did?


Well-known member
Toss-up between two jobs I had whilst a student. Had a morning job, starting 4.30am cycling to an old farm building to meet a wagon with fresh fish from Grimsby. Had to unpack, wash and gut fish and arrange it all on the vans for Mick the Fish to go off selling it.
Other one was lifting for a bloke with a van who had a contract with the council stripping flats and houses of recently deceased tenants. Walked into a bathroom, at one place, and the old woman had about a year’s worth of milk bottles in the bath…unemptied.
Maintenance and fault finding on the sewage system on a passenger vessel where the ladies kept flushing used sanitary pads down the toilet 🤮
Telesales pressure selling and having people try to be polite while their wife/husband is being piled into an ambulance. Never ever again.
Bus driving was awful especially the split shifts. Working the doors was a bit rubbish although it was a laugh sometimes. Working in a potato packing factory was the hardest, lifting 25kg bags of spuds all day was back breaking work.
I was seconded from Smith's Dock to Camall Laird's in Birkenhead in the early 80'sand the drains of the yard were attached to the local slaughterhouse. Every Wednesday the smell of congealed blood was horrendous and would physically make me sick.

I had to pack the job in and return to Smith's Dock.
Had a few. The one that sat least comfortably with me was working admin for a company called Direct Car Finance. Basically, they financed cars for people who had CCJs and a mountain of debt. Desperate people who couldn’t afford it. The salesmen were all working on commission and would do anything for a sale to pay off their own cocaine debts. Was let go after six weeks of tossing it off and left with two hundred quid and a smile on my face.

had another temping job physically filing sick forms for Walsall Council. Left after one day. It was crap.
Toss-up between two jobs I had whilst a student. Had a morning job, starting 4.30am cycling to an old farm building to meet a wagon with fresh fish from Grimsby. Had to unpack, wash and gut fish and arrange it all on the vans for Mick the Fish to go off selling it.
Other one was lifting for a bloke with a van who had a contract with the council stripping flats and houses of recently deceased tenants. Walked into a bathroom, at one place, and the old woman had about a year’s worth of milk bottles in the bath…unemptied.
That’s setting the bar pretty high.
Spud picking for me.
Edit: just remember cleaning out the sheet from chicken rearing sheds. Ammonia made my eyes run for days. No PPE back in the 70’s.
Was seconded as a heating sales advisor - despicable company who tricked people to buy new boilers and still do by all accounts. Hated every minute of it and lost my secondment when I told an elderly lady her 8yr old boiler just needed a fan not a £4.5k replacement.
Never really had a terrible job. My 1st job after graduating uni was my worst but only because it was boring. I automated most of it so I was left with nothing to do which would be great if I was working from home like I am now but in the office that just meant clock watching. Time dragged
Whilst at Uni - selling Comcast - depressing and a poor return.

Pipe Lagging - realised after a couple of days the dust involved and looking at some of the sites possible issues with asbestos was a big red flag. Binned after 3 weeks
In the summer of1972, got a job with Cleveland Contract Cleaners (or something like that) and had a 3 week job at Teesside Stilite (a firm making fibre glass cladding). The working conditions were horrific - the workforce had to work in 'snow drifts' of this fibre dust that had built up over 12 month's. 1974 graduated and got a job over the summer before starting real work for the forestry commission tagging tree with Dutch Elms Disease.
Summer of '88. Spent my evenings as the "Head of Puke Cleaning Services" in the top night spot of the area....... Philmores.
Emptying grease traps for a restaurant chain.

Smelt like vomit, the smell stayed with you all day and if you got a good nif you would retch.

The new kid always at the front getting the full impact with no warning. Them staggering back and puking on the grass with all the regular lads laughing lol
Probably a pea factory in Hull. Student job. it wasn't gross like a chicken factory or anything, but good lord it was boring. 12 hour shifts. You were either on pallets (the good job), in the freezer, or you were in the tower. I was mostly in the tower.

This was basically a conveyor belt of peas. It was like a sieve, so peas would fall through, but dead mice and stones would get taken away. It was loud AF, so couldn't talk to anyone, there was no window or view of anything. Just four walls. A massive machine and millions of peas. You would literally fall asleep stood up cos it would send you into a trance. And ... AND ... you would end up dreaming up peas. Couldn't escape it.