Is there anyone on here who doesn't have left wing views


Active member
I've no interest in politics and don't vote myself personally but looking at the general concensus on here it seems almost entirely left wing based - which seems the opposite of the views of most of the UK population who've generally been more centre right over the years, hence the conservative party being in power more often than not
I've no interest in politics and don't vote myself personally but looking at the general concensus on here it seems almost entirely left wing based - which seems the opposite of the views of most of the UK population who've generally been more centre right over the years, hence the conservative party being in power more often than not
Can I ask why you don't vote?
Can I ask why you don't vote?
 I don't vote because i refuse to give any of them my validation to abuse me - which they all do. Neither labour or conservative have any interest in serving the ordinary working man or woman - if they did you wouldn't be waiting months or years for a hospital appointment for example. They both promise everything and deliver nothing, politicians are nothing more than professional liars and I despise each and everyone of them.
What are "left wing views"?

For me, my countrymen and women have the right to:

* A decent home with a roof over their head - not dependent on how much money they have in their pocket.
* A good reliable cheap efficient publicly-owned public transport system across the country - especially in rural areas where existing private providers often neglect isolated communities.
* Decent inflation-indexed pay for Nurses, Teachers, Doctors and all workers across the public sector.
* Access for everyone to free NHS services at point of use, with Local Area Health Authorities planning and providing services, not private companies or care providers.
* A National Care Service for all those who need care and support in the community [in public ownership, not private ownership] - under control of the Local Area Health Authorities.
* A National Minimum Wage of £15 with the use of tax-credits and support for those in work on low incomes.
* Abolition of Zero-Hours Contracts, with temporary and "Bank" workers given the same rights as contracted workers, with paid maternity leave, holidays and sick leave.
* Public ownership of Railways, Postal Services, Electricity, Gas and Water: to allow proper co-ordination, planning, and investment: keeping the "profits" in the country for our people and keeping prices as low as possible.
*Increased social security for the long-term sick and disabled, with abolition of the current punitive "benefits" system.
* An immediate increase in pensions and social security set to the levels of 2010.
* Support for small businesses with a realistic rate support grant, set by local authorities, funded by central government.
* Provision of free child care across the country.
* Abolition of tuition fees.

"Left wing"?
 I don't vote because i refuse to give any of them my validation to abuse me - which they all do. Neither labour or conservative have any interest in serving the ordinary working man or woman - if they did you wouldn't be waiting months or years for a hospital appointment for example. They both promise everything and deliver nothing, politicians are nothing more than professional liars and I despise each and everyone of them.
So are you happy for them to abuse you as long as you haven't given them the validation to do so ;)
What are "left wing views"?

For me, my countrymen and women have the right to:

* A decent home with a roof over their head - not dependent on how much money they have in their pocket.
* A good reliable cheap efficient publicly-owned public transport system across the country - especially in rural areas where existing private providers often neglect isolated communities.
* Decent inflation-indexed pay for Nurses, Teachers, Doctors and all workers across the public sector.
* Access for everyone to free NHS services at point of use, with Local Area Health Authorities planning and providing services, not private companies or care providers.
* A National Care Service for all those who need care and support in the community [in public ownership, not private ownership] - under control of the Local Area Health Authorities.
* A National Minimum Wage of £15 with the use of tax-credits and support for those in work on low incomes.
* Abolition of Zero-Hours Contracts, with temporary and "Bank" workers given the same rights as contracted workers, with paid maternity leave, holidays and sick leave.
* Public ownership of Railways, Postal Services, Electricity, Gas and Water: to allow proper co-ordination, planning, and investment: keeping the "profits" in the country for our people and keeping prices as low as possible.
*Increased social security for the long-term sick and disabled, with abolition of the current punitive "benefits" system.
* An immediate increase in pensions and social security set to the levels of 2010.
* Support for small businesses with a realistic rate support grant, set by local authorities, funded by central government.
* Provision of free child care across the country.
* Abolition of tuition fees.

"Left wing"?
Are you Corbyn in disguise roofie1;). Great post by the way I agree with every word you have posted.
 I don't vote because i refuse to give any of them my validation to abuse me - which they all do. Neither labour or conservative have any interest in serving the ordinary working man or woman - if they did you wouldn't be waiting months or years for a hospital appointment for example. They both promise everything and deliver nothing, politicians are nothing more than professional liars and I despise each and everyone of them.
.......or as Billy Connolly neatly summed it up...."I don't vote, it only encourages them"

Personally I vote for the least worst and hope for the best.
 I don't vote because i refuse to give any of them my validation to abuse me - which they all do. Neither labour or conservative have any interest in serving the ordinary working man or woman - if they did you wouldn't be waiting months or years for a hospital appointment for example. They both promise everything and deliver nothing, politicians are nothing more than professional liars and I despise each and everyone of them.
Greta post which mirrors my view of all politicians, all in it for themselves and what they can get for nowt. After you with the trough.
I am left of centre but not hugely. I am a Labour supporter more in the Blair mould than the McDonnell clan, (the pragmatic wing), because of my views that the party was held back by its previous 2 leaders, a small number of the Jezza-Belles on here think I, like Easterside_Red and Sir Keir Starmer, am probably tory lite in all but name, all very silly really.

I think there are some posters who put personal principals before pragmatism of actually being in power, which then allows change to happen. I have no issue with r00fie1’s thoughts above for example, I just know it can’t all happen at once and we have to take the majority of the public on the journey with you, overnight change is impossible it will take several terms to achieve, and some people won’t accept the higher taxes needed to pay for it all, get cold feet and jump ship along the way, so we eventually end up back in the new intake of selfish, greedy, Eton graduates grip.….. and so the merry-go-round goes on.
Left or right, I don't really know what these labels mean. But I recognise that this current shower have a list as long of your arm of self serving, corruption, incompetence, and cruelty towards people in society who need the most help. The time is right for them to go. If that makes me a lefty, then so be it.
I've no interest in politics and don't vote myself personally but looking at the general concensus on here it seems almost entirely left wing based - which seems the opposite of the views of most of the UK population who've generally been more centre right over the years, hence the conservative party being in power more often than not
'I've no interest in politics' , but have decided to start a political thread on a football messageboard
I like to think I'm left of centre but the not-so-merry band of comrades on here call me a Tory because I support the Labour Party.
I agree with some of things you say and I also disagree with some of the things you say, and you may say the same about me, but I don't know for sure about that. But, one thing I'm pretty sure about, is that you're not a Tory. Being not so merry is also a 2 way thing, you occasionally seem to enjoy winding some posters up.