Here comes the Mone

She set lawyers onto press outlets to threaten them, while knowing that she had lied to the lawyers. The lawyers may sue her for being misled and themselves be sued by said press outlets for effectively threatening them under false pretences.

As if popcorn supplies weren't already under severe strain :)
I love that last line. 🤣
“She’s a Baroness who got caught up in the PPE scandal.” Caught up!?! She wouldn’t have got caught up if she hadn’t flogged unfit PPE for massive profit.

Utterly appalling that she’s allowed to put out her PR video and then get an interview with fellow Tory Kuenssberg.

Should be going to jail, along with all those involved in awarding VIP Lane contracts.

They cant help themselves. Rancid crooked tories.

See the gravy boat Lady M is actually up for sale atm. Proceeds probably will probably land in a Cayman Islands account no doubt.
Yes. Sell it before it can be seized and stick the money off-shore. I suspect they will liquidate a few assets in the coming weeks.
Christ, Kuensberg is 'interviewing' lying thief Mone and her grifting husband.

I am sure she will be asking all the hard-hitting questions e.g. What is your favourite colour? How many bedrooms does your yacht have?

An attempt to undermine an ongoing criminal case by the tory infiltrated BBC. Who else are they protecting? An utter disgrace.

I had exactly the same thoughts.

Absolutely appalling. How many other potentially convicted criminals do the BBC give this opportunity to? This country is f*cked
Really, really innocent people tend to b***r off to a foreign country and hide for 3 years.

So brave of her to allow the Tory mouthpiece to tell her side of the story. I'm sure the average none Baroness would be afforded such a luxury.
I am going to out on a limb here and say she will face zero consequences for her shameful activities in a time of global crisis.
She, and her husband, should be in prison along with a further 20-50 individuals.

But white collar crime, committed by members of this social strata......well, it's no big deal is it? Victimless, eh? Move along, nothing to see here.

Worst that will happen is her "reputation" will be tarnished. Which now the RWM are trying to make sure is limited, or the blame passed to some inconsequential civil servant.

Meanwhile working class folk, struggling to feed their families hunted and taken to court for fiddling a few hundred off benefits. Daily Mail readers form lynching party........

What the f*ck has this country become? ☹️
Never heard a Tory speak about anything controversial when the subject is under criminal investigation. Their usual replies to those types of questions is " Cannot comment as there is an ongoing investigation" So why is the cheating woman allowed to spout more lies on the BBC ?
Just watching the interview now on the BBC, this is just a very good example of gaslighting.

They think they can come on with soft lighting and low tone of voice and ask for sympathy when they made £60,000,000 in a time of national emergency.

According to MM she only lied because she was scared of the media and was advised to by others!

She didn’t declare her interest in the company because the government told her not to. Its all okay everyone else is to blame they are totally genuine people according to them.

They are totally dishonest scammers and are just trying to rehabilitate themselves and she remains in Parliament!
For the sake of keeping my own television in working in order. I can’t watch a Tory on TV anymore. Lies, blaming others, no responsibility for anything whatsoever. They’re absolute cretins.

They do nothing but make my blood boil.

If I’m watching the news and see a Tory being interviewed, I have to change the channel.
Her defence:

Lying is not a crime

Threatening legal action on people accusing her of lying is not a crime

Who the hell in the BBC gave this interview the go ahead?

I suppose I'm pleased in a way because whoever they are paying for PR is having their eyes out.