Blackpool Illuminations - Racism claim


Well-known member
Blackpool has been displaying a scene of Native Americans dancing in headdresses towards a Totem pole and has recently recieved complaints from two Native Americans that it is racist.

I dare say they will have been times when either my comments or actions have been racist, but it is something I have always tried to avoid, and I haven't intentionally wanted to upset anyone. Am I missing something here though?

Hard to know the details of the conversations that have taken place, but if the attraction was designed in the 60s I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that it's culturally insensitive at best.
Why can’t one culture depict an image of another, what am I not getting. I don’t mind anyone making an image of me whoever they are.
One of the kids drew a cartoon picture of me at school. I felt it looked nothing like me but put it up behind my desk. It took all the wind out of his sales.
It's the modern social media world I'm afraid.afriad. We seem wired to get offended everything. Especially matter of race and culture.
That story makes no sense at all. So two people saw the lights and complained that it was offensive without giving any reason… just the fact that it contained Native Americans….

the council explained it was erected to celebrate different cultures around the world and showed them others that were similar and now they are happy…

so what did they find offensive about it? 🤨

I am fully behind anyone who feels like they are being unfairly targeted or prejudiced. If it’s justified it needs to be challenged whether accidental or not.

but these types of stories are setting the issue back in the long term as it’s clearly just a case of someone trying to make and stir up trouble that was never there in the first place.

I don’t know who these two people are but got help them if they go to Whitby on a weekend… the two guys that play music and dance near the bridge will give them a heart attack
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