Recent content by OttersBoro

  1. O

    Hate the tories but..

    Lemmy My support for Labour runs along a line of John Smith, Tony Blair, David Milliband, Keir Starmer.. they are the Labour that I respect and think put the country first. Obviously problems especially with Blair but they all knew they had to modernise Labour, focus on the electorate to...
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    Hate the tories but..

    Roofie, the thread wasnt about whether NI is regressive, its whether NI was chosen as it protects pensioners versus income Tax. Pensioners would be hit to a much greater extent if they had used Income tax, Thats the point, neither of us sit in that cabinet but my guess is that was a primary...
  3. O

    Hate the tories but..

    First up very happy to be in this hole :) if thats where I am Think there were good things about Corbyn for example I think people had got sick of austerity, and things like the impact on the disabled is really horrible. Tory government was beyond redemption for that and aware this isnt popular...
  4. O

    Hate the tories but..

    Could you not just give it a go to debate some points Even if you think I am not 100% pure Labour, you could at least try and convince me, genuinely would be interested Wouldnt this site be to have a really good debate
  5. O

    Hate the tories but..

    Jam - think it was about Xmas that signed up to the website (perhaps March when access was allowed). Posted a few times but generally just like to look especially on footy or posts like Erimus bikes rides :) . Like the website for many reasons but gives me an attachment to home. I am not a...
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    Hate the tories but..

    18 years old joined the Labour club at St Andrews University , never once or considered voting Tory, though voted Lib Dem as many times as Labour. At St Andrews there werent many working class kids from the North East and there were 7 of us in the Labour club but hey I wasnt doing it to make...
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    Hate the tories but..

    I like this website for it's social conscience, with a general left leaning bent that pervades this website but so many people will just randomly slam any government policy regardless of what it is and also seem to have a blind eye to social justice if it any way impacts them. Time and again...
  8. O

    Triple lock

    John, on final point different countries have different ways/ cultures in relation to retirement incomes. One country could have a lot wealthier pensioners even with lower state pensions for example if like the UK there is a culture of people paying into a private sector pension like a clear...
  9. O

    Triple lock

    Jack there are so many things that go wrong when high inflation. There is so much complexity in managing the economy, many different types of lags that exist between enacting a policy and when it happens. Timing of huge tax increases to manage hyper inflation would be next to impossible...
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    Triple lock

    Simple stat - when you look at top 20% of wealthy people by income. That level is also the level of top 20% of pensioners I believe or thereabouts. Now is 20% rich, well its obviously subjective but there are a lot of older people who are quite well off. Do they need the covid spike for their...
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    Triple lock

    Why bring in MP's? I dont think they should have had any significant pay rise but thats a completely different discussion and the money involved in that is just a drop in the ocean.
  12. O

    Triple lock

    Many pensioners are very poor, yes absolutely and soceity should protect them better but many many are very affluent - do I think its right that millionaires who winter in Spain or South Africa should get this ... no I dont
  13. O

    Triple lock

    Happy to agree on the last bit :) Did the baby boomer generation have it tough... not so sure
  14. O

    Triple lock

    Dont think anyone thinks all pensioners are rich, but many are rich (compared to other parts of soceity) and in my opinion should not get even more at the expense of the less fortunate
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    Triple lock

    Jack - very few well known economists believe in that theory. Few people on the fringes, its believed that creates huge inflation (which screws economy) and that one shot at financial survival is to to jack up tax rates massively to try to calm hyper inflation. Its a cop out theory for people...