Is Ingleby Barwick a 'town'?

I can see it is referred to as one of Stockton's 'Six Towns' now.

I'm not convinced Norton's a town either me like, more like a big village or big suburb.

I fully accept Stockton, Yarm, Thorn Abbey and Billog as towns.
I find it strange to call it a town as public transport links are a joke. If I wanted to get a bus from marton or coulby, I'd have to go to Boro centre around the houses, the to barwick around the houses. It is faster to walk there, bonkers.
I find it strange to call it a town as public transport links are a joke. If I wanted to get a bus from marton or coulby, I'd have to go to Boro centre around the houses, the to barwick around the houses. It is faster to walk there, bonkers.
Surly you'd have to do the same to get to yarm or billingham. Or Hartlepool? Or Darlington? Are they not towns? 😂

Most places I seem to run google routes for from Marton go via Middlesbrough bus station. There's about ten minutes difference in travel time between Stockton town centre and Ingleby from marton

Coulby you'd go to coronation then get bus to Ingleby. Same problem from Coulby though. Want to go to billingham? Boro bus station. Stockton? Coronation changeover. Yarm? Coronation then Stockton high street then Yarm.

Seems like just generally poor bus routes in the entire region more than anything
I always thought that Norton predated Stockton, certainly mentioned in the Domesday Book as was Thornaby or Thormozbi as it was called.
what Stockton south was there before Stockton? Stockton is the oldest populated area this side of the river. (stockton south was north of the river before the cuts in early 20th cent). Norton doesnt have an underground high street like us, we are the oldest.
what Stockton there was there before Stockton? Stockton is the oldest populated area this side of the river. (stockton south was north of the river before the cuts in early 20th cent). Norton doesnt have an underground high street like us, we are the oldest.
What a load of nonsense!
Presumably you are joking as your dates are way out. The River Tees cuts were planned at end of the 18th century (1791) and carried in the early 19th century, 1810 and 1831.
Underground high steet? I know there are tunnels under Stockton town centre but since when has it had an underground high street?
Stockton may have existed at the time of the Domesday Book but it doesn't warrant a mention whereas Norton and Thornaby do as well as Acklam, Barwick, Coulby, Hemlington, Ingleby, Maltby, Stainsby, Stainton and Thornton.
Hilarious. Been here 25 years never had a bit of trouble.
I was joking! I used to live in Ingleby and think it’s a great place to live.
Wynyard try’s to be this mega posh place to reside so in a way, I slight step down from that is a sort of compliment.