
Seems to me some people are making their mind up about climate change based on their own personal experience and nothing more.

I agree, and for that reason I also think the earth is flat.
I don't believe in the existence of Canada. Yeah it's a strange thing to argue on a thing as complex as climate change that they "haven't noticed a difference" I wonder what country @Fridgeman lives in? It can't be the UK
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gcse was after my time we did O levels at school
Then you'll know that the carbon dioxide we exhale does not contribute to the greenhouse effect as we also take up an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from the air, albeit indirectly, due to photosynthesis.
Does this not depend on lifestyle?

The average human exhales about 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide on an average day. (The exact quantity depends on your activity level—a person engaged in vigorous exercise produces up to eight times as much CO2 as his sedentary brethren.) Take this number and multiply by a population of 7 billion people, breathing away for 365.25 days per year, and you get an annual CO2 output of 2.94 billion tons. International carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel combustion for 2008 topped 34.7 billion tons. So the human race breathes out about 8.5 percent as much carbon as we burn.
Yes we burn fossil fuels at 34.7 billion tones each year and 8.5% of this would equal the co2 we breath out using the statement above
You've said that in the last 20 years the amount of atmospheric CO2 has increased by 33%, that burning fossil fuels account for an 34.7bn tonne increase in atmospheric CO2 per annum but keep mentioning breathing, which by your own figures & ignoring metabolism, would only account for 8.5% of that.

I agree with @SmallTown, what is your point?
And your point is?
I am not trying to make points I think Newuser misunderstood the original statement it was stating that with population growth and exercise humans could contribute 2.9 billion tones over and above what is offset this 2.9 billion is as much as 8.5% of the 34.7 billion tones released by burning fossil fuels

I will end my contribution here as there is a lot of misunderstanding to clarify I am not in denial that climate change is happening but I am not 100% convinced that this is down to co2 emissions man made or natural our planet has been through tropical weather and sub zero events in its history and I have seen graphs were no correlation between co2 and temperatures can be demonstrated, the post was intended to highlight the green tax agenda on the back of climate change regardless of why it’s happening pushing people further into debt.

As I have already posted even if it was proven without a shadow of doubt that the change was down to co2 is it fair to increasingly tax the uk into submission while the rest of the world doesn’t follow suit? I would imagine that if the uk became co2 neutral it would make very little difference in warming or climate change because we contribute such a small fraction of the co2 emissions
I am not trying to make points I think Newuser misunderstood the original statement it was stating that with population growth and exercise humans could contribute 2.9 billion tones over and above what is offset this 2.9 billion is as much as 8.5% of the 34.7 billion tones released by burning fossil fuels

I will end my contribution here as there is a lot of misunderstanding to clarify I am not in denial that climate change is happening but I am not 100% convinced that this is down to co2 emissions man made or natural our planet has been through tropical weather and sub zero events in its history and I have seen graphs were no correlation between co2 and temperatures can be demonstrated, the post was intended to highlight the green tax agenda on the back of climate change regardless of why it’s happening pushing people further into debt.

As I have already posted even if it was proven without a shadow of doubt that the change was down to co2 is it fair to increasingly tax the uk into submission while the rest of the world doesn’t follow suit? I would imagine that if the uk became co2 neutral it would make very little difference in warming or climate change because we contribute such a small fraction of the co2 emissions
You're basically against 95-97% of the scientific community because you've watched a few YouTube videos. You posted like 6 scientists above, some of which are loons or funded by big oil, I've posted links to papers that shows scientific community consensus that it is human caused.

When you're on the side of new members that aren't even political and talk about angry lefties, it's time to reassess imo.

You can't control the rest of the world or next door, you can control you and we can control what we do in the uk. It's not just tax it's buying patterns, industry behaviour, travel methods and many other factors.
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Are people here really trying to claim we're not causing a greenhouse effect/ increase in co2 or whatever? Literally, 99% of expert opinion says we're at fault, and this same expert opinion is also where the climate deniers get the knowledge that the earth was once hotter (and colder). The other 1% have nothing to say we're not at fault, which hasn't been debunked 100 times over. 99% is enough, that's more certainty than most crucial things we know on which we base our lives on.

The problem with the earth heating up now is that it's doing it at the fastest rate it's ever happened, for a long duration, whilst there's been a large human population (forget the dinosaurs). Of course you could get a major event like an asteroid, or nuclear war, to change temperatures, but we can't assume that, so they're not a valid argument (or excuse for not doing anything).
Now, the world is the most populous that the earth has ever been (and will be more so in 50 years), loads of those live by the coast and there could be massive increases in crazy weather, floods, food shortages etc if things went really t*ts up.

Knowledge on climate has risen at an exponential rate, every day we know more and every day we know we're more to blame, and also have better understanding of previous events and temperatures.

If we carry on as we are, then there will not be enough time to move everyone to safer altitude and safe locations for weather in general, and trying to move everyone will absolutely break the world economy, never mind starve the poorest parts of the world. It's took us over 100 years to build infrastructure to handle the current population and we don't even have the money to maintain it, doing all that again (safely) is impossible, especially in a short duration.

Now, seeing if we can do something about this climate change is another matter again. The UK has largely developed, as has the US, the same as any other developed nation, and most of that development was done using fossil fuels as it was the cheapest/ easiest way at the time. Whether we can try and prevent other nations from developing quicker is not really our call, and neither is trying to force them to use the energy sources we choose. Sure some will choose the greener energy sources themselves, but we can't really get on a green high horse after we've played a major part in the previous damage. Sure we may not have known the damage, but it's still not much of an excuse.

I'm not convinced the developed world can be green enough to offset the developing nations, and they can't afford to subsidise them either, so it doesn't look good. Tech may solve this mind, when we solve the energy storage problem, but if we don't solve that soon enough, as well as cheaper (almost solved) and easier energy than fossil fuels then there could end up being a war between the green nations, against the not-so-green nations.
I am not trying to make points I think Newuser misunderstood the original statement it was stating that with population growth and exercise humans could contribute 2.9 billion tones over and above what is offset this 2.9 billion is as much as 8.5% of the 34.7 billion tones released by burning fossil fuels

I will end my contribution here as there is a lot of misunderstanding to clarify I am not in denial that climate change is happening but I am not 100% convinced that this is down to co2 emissions man made or natural our planet has been through tropical weather and sub zero events in its history and I have seen graphs were no correlation between co2 and temperatures can be demonstrated, the post was intended to highlight the green tax agenda on the back of climate change regardless of why it’s happening pushing people further into debt.

As I have already posted even if it was proven without a shadow of doubt that the change was down to co2 is it fair to increasingly tax the uk into submission while the rest of the world doesn’t follow suit? I would imagine that if the uk became co2 neutral it would make very little difference in warming or climate change because we contribute such a small fraction of the co2 emissions
It pretty much has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt. We've already explained to you the ratio of scientists whose peer reviewed papers say it is