Getting a ton thread

Ton post?

Just needs a bit of a hand.

Loved the coronation yesterday, completely agree with the Mets delicate handling of the protests and 30p Lee bang on again.

Should get about 60-70 posts in .......👍
I’m glad this fella got a nice day out yesterday.
Nice little wizard gown will go down well with the kids

The format of this board makes it easier because the old board was a single page with a stream of messages. No notifications, no quoting etc which makes it easier now to interact with a post.
Jeremy Corbyn?


The Tories, the Tories, the Tories!

With these three simple topics, you'll be amazed at the results, get a ton today!
A post about Duffy or some variety of who is the hardest bloke in Teesside (probably me) sadly used to do the trick.
Getting on for twenty years ago I used to get a ton on the old board most weeks organising a game of football at Goals. Not much glory in that. It was pretty inefficient compared to these WhatsApp days, but a whole lot simpler, I suppose, than it would have been in pre-internet times.