Handforth Parish Council Meeting

and these lunatics have so much control over our day to day lives, controlling local spending, delivering key local services, planning permission, local transport policy, youth projects.
and these lunatics have so much control over our day to day lives, controlling local spending, delivering key local services, planning permission, local transport policy, youth projects.
Not at Parish Council level. These are well meaning volunteers giving up evenings & weekends organising the allotment society, grass cutting, flowerbeds, supporting the community centre, christmas lights etc.

Unfortunately what should be the most local of local politics purely to make things bettr in the local area, can be riven with egos and gets bogged down with procedure, standing orders & points of order to frustrate other councillors rather than deal with council business.

My local PC is informal & great but I've attended meetings of others & the chair wears chains of office and when they make a donation to a group they have to come & get it & there is a big cheque presentation with a photo for the newsletter, which seems a bit much for £100 to help with the costs of the local scout troop.
according to the Nunthorpe Parish council website or the Ingleby Barwick parish town council website

So maybe not overall control but certainly input into many aspects of local peoples lives.
according to the Nunthorpe Parish council website or the Ingleby Barwick parish town council website
So maybe not overall control but certainly input into many aspects of local peoples lives.
They are a statutory consultee for Local Authorities, as are local civic & amenity trusts. That basically means a letter gets sent to them if the LA are planning to do something that has an impact on their area, not that their opinion will be counted over & above anyone elses.

This was apparently a planning and environment committee meeting.
It depends on the size of the parish, my local Parish Council gets notified of all planning applications in the Parish but is quite small & so discuss planning applications within their main monthly meeting. If it was larger & had a longer agenda for their main meeting, having a sub-committee look at them & other 'environment' issues (flower beds, grass cutting etc) could be more time efficient.

However they won't be deciding any planning applications, the extent of their powers is that they can ask that the decision be taken by the Local Authority's planning committee not by a planning officer on delegated powers.
However they won't be deciding any planning applications, the extent of their powers is that they can ask that the decision be taken by the Local Authority's planning committee not by a planning officer on delegated powers.
Is this a point of order because I haven’t opened the meeting yet and only the chairman can deal with such.
FWIW if anyone is interested in joining their local Parish Council, with elections in May now is the perfect time.
Speak to your local Parish Clerk & put your name down.
However they won't be deciding any planning applications, the extent of their powers is that they can ask that the decision be taken by the Local Authority's planning committee not by a planning officer on delegated powers.

And that’s only if the local authority’s scheme of delegation states that a parish council objection must be dealt with by committee. Some local authorities would still allow the planning officer to decide, provided there hadn’t been a certain number or type of other objections.
I can imagine the ingleby barwick town council meetings are just like this..

When any of the councilors post on the IBNB on facebook it decends into a similar sort of thing, always makes me laugh how partisan some peoples opinions of rubbish collection or shop parking are...
There is one on the Middlesbrough council... Jon Rathman who is always in the gazette for falling out with another councillor and being barred from contacting departments etc.

I worked with him for a short period at HMRC before he lost his job for attempting to record a meeting on the sly in a meeting with his manager. I think it was to see if got a warning or not.... shortly after he was never seen again. Absolute loony
Reminds me of those public meetings that always descended into farce in parks and recreation too.

I hope the main culprits are suitably embarrassed. I somehow doubt it though, they seem to have an astonishing lack of self awareness.