How much water do you drink?


Well-known member
I don't drink any water unless it's at the gym, never liked drinking water. I drink coffee, tea, juice or stuff like huel.
It makes little difference whether you drink your water as tea/coffee/squash etc.

But hey, science and stupids...
I was always told coffee makes you dehydrated, I mainly drink coffee and don't really get headaches, but my gf who drinks at least 2 litres of water a day gets headaches all the time
I buy a 2 litre bottle from Lidl on the walk to work. Drink it by 1pm. Fill it halfway after that for the pm. There is a water machine at work but I would not drink as much if I had to keep filling a glass up.
My friend showed me an app that reminded her to drink water, which I thought was ridiculous, then I looked at what I drank. I drink more coffee/lager/wine on a much greater scale than I do water. I've now got the app, and giving it a go. Not a fan of water though.
This is normal.

Drinking loads and loads of water has no benefit at all.

But trying telling the health gurus that :whistle:
I was suffering with gout every 10 days, 45 days ago I started drinking 4.5 litres of water an every day.
My gout has gone completely. Buzzing to be honest because I was going to have to go on medication which I really didn’t want.
I was suffering with gout every 10 days, 45 days ago I started drinking 4.5 litres of water an every day.
My gout has gone completely. Buzzing to be honest because I was going to have to go on medication which I really didn’t want.
Medical conditions notwithstanding
Two to three litres a day I’d say, the first litre of which has an electrolyte sachet in it - have found that helps with reducing migraines.