Well-known member

Some canny anniversary’s coming up 50th Anniversary of ‘the band’ - mostly over the years it has been ‘the yoke’ a good time time to see it back. Errea didn’t really tackle ‘the yoke’ 2000/01 was probably the best example..

20 years since the cup win is certainly something to write home about, the all in red dial a phone kit.. certainly not our most impressive kit but worth of a nod none the less. Our all in red pin stripe number certainly did the business for our last promotion season 2015/16.. all in red does the business. ALL IN RED KIT FOR THE WIN!
Last promotion season had us in the YELLOW AND BLACK away kit.. superb for me.. loved it! Keep it simple for me.. we haven’t really had a black out kit and I don’t think we’ve ever had a pink kit. Black out would be smart.. save the pink un for the prem when we don’t have a gambly sponsor.
C’mon investigators, sleuths and ITKs.. what are we having.. what have we got?