More from the Nasty Party

There will still be some shy Tory types lurking on this forum, reading this thread and in denial that the Tories are that bad, while moaning to themselves about the lefty clique bias of the board.
What will it take for them to wake the **** up?
yes,they are in hiding ashamed at themselve for voting this current shambles of a government into power.
There will still be some shy Tory types lurking on this forum, reading this thread and in denial that the Tories are that bad, while moaning to themselves about the lefty clique bias of the board.
What will it take for them to wake the **** up?
We will never be rid of them, they have replaced other entity’s as time has progressed and now have the voter base they asked for.

The nazi party, the national front and the BNP are all part of the Tory spectrum as far as I am concerned.

Racist, evil, murdering and lying scum.
She is representing the government, so no, it is not just her opinion.
That's what I was thinking. Ministers don't just say what they think; that's not how a collective government works.

If you agree (not you NY) that we need to be tougher on the disabled and cut taxes for the wealthy, just say so. Don't be shy.

My first instinct when people invoke the word 'duty' is to question their character or motivation. Countless men and women have lost their lives in wars that benefitted only the richest. These scoundrels and their lackeys use the word Duty each time to call them to misery and death.

When does the opposite apply? Certainly not once those same people are discharged, broken mentally and physically by the horrors that they've witnessed and endured. Denied the help and support they desperately need by the government whose 'duty' it is to provide for them. Perversely these same people would ban the use of tents removing the most basic of shelters.

But what else should be expected from a party who act as though the best way to find equilibrium is to weigh the scales as heavily as possible in favour of the rich. I can't remember the last time anyone used the term 'trickle down economics', most likely because even that meagre pipeline has been plugged and diverted back into the pot.

But no matter how bad things get people will allow themselves to be distracted by those worse off than themselves. For every 'Benefits Street' or 'cant pay we'll take it away' there should be a dozen shows exposing the conmen who steal every penny they can so they can buy another extravagant luxury for themselves.

But still, we're all in this together, right?