Mr Preston is standing again!

Not being taken up; what on earth are you on about? You are literally complaining about leisure companies moving into them and you have spoken to the people who are doing the alterations.
You asked what I would do. For me this is a short term attempt and will prove to be so. I could well be proven wrong, just my opinion.
Are you expecting it to go different to any of their other successful developments?

If Teesside park didn't exist people wouldn't still be shopping at a little comet in boro town centre, they'd just be driving to other retail parks not in the local area, or online.
I was always more of a Rumbelows guy.
I’m not sure the town centre can be saved, I never go there for shopping or leisure these days, greasham is half demolished and the whole area around there looks dirty and run down. I like the green space around the library and courts, has that been built on as planned?.
Level x is class, wether it will save the town centre is another thing but it's a great thing for the town centre to have and calling it a penny arcade is a bit petty imo, much better use of the space than more dull retail. Middlesbrough is really poor for leisure but if you go to Newcastle, Leeds, York etc there is loads to do other than drinking eating or shopping - town needs that.
Level x is class, wether it will save the town centre is another thing but it's a great thing for the town centre to have and calling it a penny arcade is a bit petty imo, much better use of the space than more dull retail. Middlesbrough is really poor for leisure but if you go to Newcastle, Leeds, York etc there is loads to do other than drinking eating or shopping - town needs that.
I thought it was tacky and I also thought considering how new is was already the golf was frustrating. Had 2 out of 3 balls that needed replacing but that meant people had timed on the holes already

A Big Decision

After long conversations with family and friends about the vicious and dishonest words and activities of Middlesbrough politicians, I was strongly advised not to stand again for election as mayor.

But I won’t walk away from a fight and watch Middlesbrough go back to decades of decline.

Like everywhere else, we do face significant issues but unlike other places we’re facing our challenges head on and we’re making massive progress.

In fact, Middlesbrough now starts more new businesses than anywhere in the North East and is officially recognised as an international hotspot for investment.

We’ve created countless new jobs, protected our historic buildings and green spaces, planted 20,000 trees and built a new spirit of ambition and optimism.

We’re building hundreds of high-quality affordable homes and we’ve provided emergency food to anyone in genuine need.

Crime and ASB are still way too high but falling faster in Middlesbrough than anywhere else in our region.

We mustn’t let idiotic politicians, desperate for power, push Middlesbrough backwards - because the stakes are too high and people’s lives depend on progress.

Our new Mayoral Development Corporation will enable even more jobs to be created - 1000s of them - and win £hundreds of millions in investment. This will build on the exciting progress we’re already making in bringing new employers and opportunities to Middlesbrough.

In the last few weeks there has been an underhand push by some people in Middlesbrough politics to deter me from standing for mayor. They’ve dishonestly accused me of all sorts as they’re desperate for power and a return to past failings.

But I won’t be bullied out - I will stand again.

With your support, I’ll make sure we build on the massive successes we’ve made, despite covid and the cost of living crisis.

Exciting news is coming very soon. In the next few days, I’ll start to share news of great leaps forward for Middlesbrough.

My sincere thanks to everyone who has supported me and played a role in Middlesbrough’s progress over the past four years, from hard working council staff to my personal supporters, my Executive and the positive councillors who do everything they can to make our town a better place.

If we stick together, I’m certain that before long we can challenge Leeds and Newcastle for jobs, investment and progress.

Political use of fmttm