PM in Peppa Pig World- FFS

He compared himself to Moses - he sounds like the light has gone out......:unsure:

Last week, when quoted back by a reporter, with his exact words on HS2 - he denied it totally and told the reporter "you`re talking absolute rubbish". Then he started rambling. - saying scrapping the Birmingham - Leeds leg of HS2 meant "better", more-reliable services (?!!).

His incoherent rambling is akin to those slogans in Orwell`s 1984:

War is Peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength.

add to that -

Less is more.
Lies are truth
Torture is love.
"Boris Johnson" is essentially a character that Alexander Johnson is playing. He deliberately musses his hair up before appearances and is prepared to do, say or wear anything, no matter how ridiculous.

It's all part of the act. A kind of wink to the camera to show that he's not taking any of it seriously. The Tory members love it. Good old Boris.

Trouble is, he's only focused on performing. That is, after all, what got him elected. But things are getting serious. Covid and Brexit are coming home to roost and it's only going to get more difficult for him as the mistakes pile up and the demands for proper, grown-up government increase.

He simply doesn't have the skills to cope and will flounder more and more until he's finally removed by his own party. That's the Tory way. Who knows what sort of state they'll be in after he's gone?
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I don't think for a second there wasn't a plan and purpose behind that charade today. He wants eyes on him. Why? Trying to make Starmer look more bland and boring? Or distracting from something they are doing that they don't want eyes on?
There was as you said the social care cap, Starmer speech & wasn't there also a bill regarding the NHS? splitting it into regions & allowing private companies to sit on the boards haven't had time to read up on it properly but that's the gist of it.

It also got the sleaze allegations out of the headlines which they have been desperate to get away from.
Yet the headline this morning on the beeb website is the social care cap. For anyone remotely interested, it's getting wall to wall coverage.

All this Machiavellian stuff is bull.

Yesterday wasn't a cunning ruse. It's just who he is. A lazy, incompetent a*sehole who doesn't give a flying f*ck
Yeah I'm not really fully on board with the "it's just an act" theory either. That leads to the impression there's a brighter, more cunning, more competent person behind the Boris persona and I don't think there is.

What it is, is an exaggeration at times of who he really is. If you watch the video someone posted on page one of the thread you'll see he quickly twigged from a young age that if you can give the impression the incompetence and foul ups are intentional, people find it amusing and tend to let you off the hook. It allows him to get away with being lazy, badly prepared and useless.

If people think it's just an act, that's actually pretty dangerous. Take brexit. At face value surely no-one would think that blundering idiot was going to get a good brexit deal where more competent politicians had failed. He was embarrassing in that election campaign, dodging interviews, hiding in fridges etc. But if you can convince yourself it's just "good old Boris" intentionally playing the fool, then people have maybe convinced themselves he knew what he was doing.

He doesn't and never did. What you see is pretty much what you get. Boris Johnson = Alexander Johnson. He probably quite likes that some think otherwise.
My God- this is the leader of our country

Don't forget the people of our nation voted for this person. Physically put a X next to their local Conservatives representative in the hope that he would resolve the undoings of Cameron and May.

These people are allowed to breed as well. Frightening.
I saw it suggested yesterday that Johnson's behaviour was to divert attention from Starmer who was also speaking to the CBI conference and if that was the case then it probably worked. But it says a bit about his mentality if he was so frightened that someone might say something sensible that he felt the need to behave like he was off his t*ts.