Turning a bit toxic at Elland Road

I'd rather have our 3 CBs. I think we will give them more of a game 👏
Our 3 centre backs were very poor today against the bottom team.
Dijksteel in particular has been terrible letely, he does not put a foot in and seems oblivious to danger.
Lumley needs droppping.
Lea Siliki has done nothing to suggest he should get a game , I would rather Boyd Munce gets game time., or Connor Malley ( is he injured ?)
I must be the only one who doesn't really care about: tactics, what a false CF is, even if the odd game is boring, I just want the Boro to win.
Just heard - Bucket Man has been sacked.
Dirty Whites fans eating their own shreddies and crying into the Aire
Been absolutely crap this year and shown him up for what he is. They will still go down as the core players have been conditioned into playing a very particular way for nearly 5 years.
Great for us next year. I can't see who is going to get them firing on all cylinders after Bielsa, who needed a couple of seasons anyway.