'What Covid has taught us'

You are right about furlough Randy in as much as it is, probably, the only thing Johnson has got right.

Balancing the cost of social support against eotho may well be right there too, in fact you certainly are. I would ask why we are not all getting half price gym membership and holidays though as many industries are on their knees.

It's an awful situation all round. I am one of the luck ones in as much as I can work from home so the situation hasn't impacted my family financially.

I have no problem with the furlough scheme and fully support it. Eotho I am not so sure about., I felt at the time there was other stuff the money should have been spent on, or perhaps it should not have been either or but both.
We've also learned that:

the leaders of 'devolved assemblies' don't have enough to do, if they have time to read out the Covid stats every single day, ( in Welsh, just in case).

The UK's top medical officers are in effect serving a virtual English government. Or vice versa?

Elected mayors (and their cronies) are not much good in a crisis unless you need someone to spread alarm, resentment and dis-unity.

A shop can do 'click and collect' even if they have no website or phone number.
Also this pandemic has taught me that it's perfectly fine for camera crews and reporters to enter care homes and hospital wards but not the relatives of those who live in care homes or who are admitted to hospital.

I didn't think they'd manage to sink any lower than they have in the last few decades but they more than managed it.
I didn't think they'd manage to sink any lower than they have in the last few decades but they more than managed it.
I genuinely can't work it out.
A husband can't be with his dying wife in hospital or vice versa.
My cousin had to go through the birth of her first child alone until literally the baby was coming out because her husband who she lives with and spent the past 4 months with in isolation (both working from home) wasn't allowed in the room because of 'covid rules'.

Yet if you are fully paid up member of the media 'we do what we want when we want' crew you can go into a hospital or a care home or travel around the country because their job is deemed 'essential' whereas human nature and common decency is determined non essential by scientists on a power trip.