You win £100 million whats the first 5 things you are going to do.

I was having this conversation yesterday. I think that is too much money. It's basically do whatever you want money and I assume it would completely change all of my relationships and I'm not sure that's what I'd want. £1m would be the perfect amount. It's not so much that I would have to change too much but would allow me to live a more luxurious version of my current life (which I am very happy with).

That said, to answer the question, I would first of all need time to make some plans but I would start with quitting work, booking a nice holiday, having some nice food and drink to celebrate and then try and figure out how not to ruin all my relationships. I'd treat family to things instead of outright just giving them money. I'd buy them a new house, I'd pay for them to go on holiday with us etc. Once you are in the realm of handing out cash then things get messy. Probably easier with parents. I'd do the same with friends. If I want to go on a golf holiday I'd pay for them all etc instead of just giving them cash and expecting them to want to prioritise me with it etc.
Buy annual Private Health Insurance for immediate family.
Buy a second home in the South West (Somerset, Devon, Cornwall)
Brand new furniture for said house
Buy a villa in the Algarve & furnish
New Toyota SUV
Money to close family
Invest money for Grandkids to access once aged 21, bigger pot at 25, huge pot at 30.
Money allowance inflation linked for close friends private annual holidays (so long as they remain friends) plus all flights and expenses paid for family and friends to visit once a year in the Algarve if they wished
Round the world cruise
Money to some hospices and charities
Money to fund local NHS hospital equipment
Buy 2 Racehorse for National Hunt to be trained by Paul Nicholls and Peter Niven
Keep £25M invested for rainy days and little luxuries etc
1. Pay my inner friends and mortgages off, buy them a holiday home and a business. Pay for them to retrain or go to university, pay for their kids private education and university.

2. Repeat for family plus £1m each

3. Hire a fitness coach, become super fit and healthy.

4. Hire a chef and a cleaner for the house.

5. Get loads of tutors to learn basic skills. I have spider writing and my IT skills are basic. I’d learn to speak French, Spanish and Italian. Repeat for my kids.

6. Have the whole and family friends Nuffield checked for health. Pay for any treatment needed.

7. Get coached to box, dance, play football, kayaking.

8. Quit work.

9. Get more involved with the church and pay for a youth worker.

10. Build loads of sporting facilities, leisure centres, clubs free for the folk of Teesside. Have an Olympic scholarship fund for the people the Teesside.

11. But a house next to the tees, have a boat and kayak daily.

12. Visit every county in the world.

13. Have a stylist, hair and fashion.

14. Buy an interior designer, style my house.

15. Have a house in nice.

16. Visit the 92 grounds.

17. Invest my wealth.

18. Learn to sail.

19. Follow the England cricket team around the world.

20. Carry out random acts of kindness.

How much that leaves me I don’t know but hopefully I will have a legacy.

I think you will have a great time doing all that 👍
1. Pay my inner friends and mortgages off, buy them a holiday home and a business. Pay for them to retrain or go to university, pay for their kids private education and university.
That's a lot of stuff, and I suspect you'd have absolutely naff all left, but number 1 really intrigues me. How do you define 'inner friends'? What's your cut off?
1. Go see a wealth manager from a very well established bank that is used to dealing with this kind of money every day.
2. Set it up so I could borrow anything I wanted against the £100m keeping that lumper to grow.
3. Use 2/3rds of the £10m a year interest to support myself,family and the people who are my rocks now to live a brilliant lifestyle. Homes, holidays,education , health . Basically anything that was needed. I'd use the other 1/3rd to help others and make my community better.
4. Hire staff to do the **** I hate doing .