Recent content by Fluffycarpet

  1. Fluffycarpet

    Police to be supported by the military

    Once people start buying all the toilet roll you'll wish there was a bloke on the door with a machine gun.
  2. Fluffycarpet

    6 more months!

    I must be the only one delighted about that. No in laws this year.
  3. Fluffycarpet

    6 more months!

    My brother must be sh*tting himself. He's spent a fortune on a big wedding and planned for 2 years. Only allowed 15 at a wedding with new rules.
  4. Fluffycarpet

    Police to be supported by the military

    I'd go further and give the orders to shoot on sight anyone who isn't wearing a mask or social distancing.
  5. Fluffycarpet

    Last orders: Boris puts 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants - commencing Thursday 24th September

    It's hard to argue with that. I guess these measures just seem half ars*d when now is the time to act.
  6. Fluffycarpet

    Last orders: Boris puts 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants - commencing Thursday 24th September

    I think at the least they should ban households mixing.
  7. Fluffycarpet

    Last orders: Boris puts 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants - commencing Thursday 24th September

    So the rule of six remains in place. People are going to be advised to work from home but those that can probably already still are. And we are closing pubs a bit early. I feel safe now.
  8. Fluffycarpet

    Les Ferdinand on why QPR players didn’t take a knee on Friday

    The fact QPR are being criticised for not taking the knee shows he is right. Once it becomes mandatory it loses its meaning.
  9. Fluffycarpet

    Yes or No

    No absolutely not. Shame on you for asking.
  10. Fluffycarpet

    Two government clowns...

    Of course you are right and there are selfish people in all age groups. But it's not me saying it's the younger generation spreading it, it's the experts.
  11. Fluffycarpet

    Two government clowns...

    Yeah, and it's good that young people don't pass on the virus to more vulnerable people.
  12. Fluffycarpet

    Two government clowns...

    Why get offended? You may be being responsible, but many young people aren't. I see it in my 18yr old daughter. She's young and invincible and still thinks I'm just nagging when I tell her to be careful.
  13. Fluffycarpet

    Two government clowns...

    We may already know, but it clearly needs drumming back into people's heads again. It was a pretty clear warning of what may happen if people don't start being responsible.
  14. Fluffycarpet

    We’ve had the carrot now comes the stick - govt makes Not self isolating illegal

    I went to Home Bargains in Stockton. There was a staff member on the door making sure it was one in one out. However the cue outside was huge, so another staff member came and said let everyone in. It was shocking how full the shop was, as busy as Christmas in there with hardly anyone social...
  15. Fluffycarpet

    Our new signing on you tube

    Nobody says we don't need pace and creativity. You also want your goal scorers to be able to score though.