Book your booster

Research is emerging that transmission levels are unaffected by vaccine status or at least the reduction is minimal.
It depends which study you read. According to the article below, some estimates using viral load as the determining factor in transmissibility may be overly-pessimistic.

For one thing, they often look only at the chances of onward transmission if a vaccinated person is infected, without factoring in that they're less likely to become infected in the first place.

How much less likely are you to spread covid-19 if you're vaccinated?

While there is still some uncertainty involved, as it states:

De Gier says they cannot calculate the full reduction in transmission due to vaccination, because they don’t know exactly how much vaccination reduces the risk of infection. But even assuming vaccination only halves the risk of infection, this would still imply that vaccines reduce transmission by more than 80 per cent overall.
Been waiting for a phone call from GP to get our mam a booster as that's how she got appointments for first two. She is 86 and had 2nd jab at the end of March. But no calls received, so booked it yesterday via the link for next Monday. Cheers op.
Easier said than done.
That and getting a flu jab. Come for your jab? - sorry we've run out!!
Anyone know where the nearest vaccination centre is to Guisborough? Are there any in Guisborough?

I was told by a friend that Lingdale chemist are doing them.
Upto recently they were sending mixed messages out about the booster, I wasn't even sure until September if it was going to be offered to me and in the press various health officials and gov sources were divided over if it was necessary, all that public chat does affect people's attitudes and the slow uptake may be because some people aren't feeling it is as necessary. Others like me will be waiting for their appointments, I had a look at a prebooked slot a few days ago and it was the 17th November, so I am waiting for a suitable walk in centre.and will just turn up as and when.