
Coluka, I was venting my spleen at what I see as hypocritical complaints from industries that were happy to to trump their own selfish and populist agendas. Now the chickens are coming home to roost and they whine and whinge. Did they give a damn about reality or other peoples jobs. Did they F@#k and now we all suffer because people refused to listen to sense, experts (not claiming that) and the evidence. I put my views up, as I am permitted to And if you think that is just for the sale of argument then you can think that.

Osborn: Remain
I don't get all this childishness tbh. We have seen over the last few weeks what this country is capable of when everyone comes together in a common cause. It's been a truly remarkable effort by all those involved and id proof of our ingenuity, agility and can do attitude. We've left the EU and it is time to move on as a country and make it work. All the petty squabbling does nothing but keep the divide
But Brexit is not a common cause is it. It has divided the country, family, friends and relationships like nothing since the Civil War. Please don't call it childishness when people, only days after the "deal" was implemented, have already lost jobs and have been placed into the "generous" benefit system that is not enough to live off. And this is just the start.
Coluka, Luckily I don’t have a mob of people behind me with automatic weapons and very few brain cells then eh!!! Otherwise, my opinion could cause hell on in Stockton
But Brexit is not a common cause is it. It has divided the country, family, friends and relationships like nothing since the Civil War. Please don't call it childishness when people, only days after the "deal" was implemented, have already lost jobs and have been placed into the "generous" benefit system that is not enough to live off. And this is just the start.
Ok if that's how you feel. Not much point trying to encourage you so I'll wish you all the best
I've been guilty of it myself I'm big enough to admit it. It does get very difficult to keep your cool though when people are constantly trying to prove you are wrong when you truly believe in the decision u made.
You can believe in it all you want pal, but there's lads with no jobs now because of it and the country is at each others throats.
I like the term Brexitears when someone is whinging about the consequences of voting leave. I’m not sure many of them would notice the deliberate spelling error though.
Can this be a new title for those involved in industries that are doing worse due to the Brexit despite demanding it? Fishing, hauliage, farming all demanded Brexit as a way to improve their incomes. They wouldn’t listen to those REMOANERS who pointed out the obvious flaws in their logic and now they complain. This is the NEW REALITY and what YOU VOTED FOR. Sadly, you screwed everyone else as well as yourselves.

I can’t speak to fishing, but hauliers were absolutely aghast at the idea of Brexit. My experience of farmers is they were pretty much split like the rest of the country, with older semi retired ones in favour of Brexit and the younger ones very opposed.

The thing is with both the CAP and EU Fisheries policies there are legitimate criticisms to be made. The EU effectively acknowledged that when agreeing to our rebate and it has been moving consistently in the direction of improving the CAP.

As for our fishermen they have been caught with worldwide issues of over fishing, EU sustainability policies, inept if not corrupt and lazy U.K. govt policy allocating our quotas to a small number of large family businesses who then took advantage of unfettered free market trading preferences to sell to foreign entities because they saw the long term business sense of owning more quota of the areas where there domestic consumers appetites were best served and therefore offered more.

Having legitimate criticism, pointing out downsides to EU membership however is something Leave voters confused themselves with, by thinking that meant we should leave and everything would be solv-ed. No no no, it merely means that every system has pluses and minuses, but the overall trade off was massively beneficial. They thought the the EU only caused problems, but failed to take a moment just to wonder how come so many countries marveled at it, wanted to join it or wanted to emulate it. Five years ago I thought ‘well, I have rarely heard a good word said about the EU in this country for decades, but there must be some good things about it, else it wouldn’t have come into being or lasted’. That unwillingness to look at it with an open mind, or perhaps it is more accurate to say the closed minds prevented them from being willing to even look at the EU in the first place, prevented Leavers from realising that the EU was in fact a solution to problems.

Now they sit scratching their heads that we now have a load of previously solved problems that we need to address. And we have in charge of solving it a whole load of people who not only didn’t realise this, they didn’t have a plan for anything, just against something.
"Almost certainly." Bit of guess work then. Literally no evidence of this at all
Where was the evidence that we’d thrive outside the EU ?
Good luck trying to find this because it doesn’t exist because it’s not true yet Tory politicians peddled these lies constantly during the referendum
Same thing mate
A retort to those who realise [and those who dont] they were lead up a blind alley by promises of jam tomorrow and sugar candy mountain - and "happy fish":


"Move on", "All pull together to make it work" etc etc

If I look such phrases up in a thesaurus, I suspect it may bring up alternatives such as, "Oh sh*t, looks like I voted to f**k up my own country after all. Erm....riiiight.....can we just stop talking about it now please...?" ;)