Food you hated as a kid but like now you're older

Coleslaw. Hated it as a kid, hate it now🤢🤢

Never been a fussy eater, was always a case of eat what was put in front of you......or you went hungry.
Lamb and peas
I could never understand how people liked beer, I was given shandy with Sunday lunch when a kid, but love it now
I keep telling my kids to try stuff they don't like every few years cos you never know. Taste buds change as you get older, I'm sure of it.

For the past 50 odd years I've hated mustard, probably because I had a dollop of it when young, it can be strong stuff.

So I had some recently and now I can't imagine a hotdog or sausage without it, or chicken & leek pie :p
Chicken, my dad used to cremate it to the point it was like eating paper.
Onions, hated the things unless they were pickled silverskins. Now they are delicious.
Never really like mustard but now I love a good Diane sauce with a steak or a chicken breast.
Also before I started cheffing I never put salt or pepper on anything I ate. Was one of the hardest transitions to make when I started making sure food was seasoned correctly.