Health and safety regs say workplaces should be 16c or 13c of a physical work environment
Our nest is always set to 9c, and an automation sets it to 9c at midnight in case we leave it in in bed. It's obv not 9c, it just prevents it coming on.
It's all personal preference, but our house is fairly well insulated - I work from home and having laptop on all day and 2 cats in the room with the door shut it's pretty warm within 30 minutes.
Overnight we prefer a heated under sheet on the bed, it's pence per hour vs cost of boiler firing up as temps drop while you're asleep.
We've got temp sensors in each room but one in the loft triggers an automation that fires the boiler up every now and then if it gets to 3c up there as the boiler is in there so keeps water moving to avoid pipe freeze. TRV's all properly configured
If we are feeling the cold we'll put the heating on but via automations that boost it for X hours rather than maintaining a temp in the house at all times. Usually a bit of time on evening on the coldest days.
Never felt uncomfortable - we have plenty of warm indoor clothes which is what they're there for.
Door sensors nag at my girlfriend when they're left open for 5 second or more as she loves nothing more than to take the bins out while the back door is open
All down to personal preference though, and how much you want to spend on heating the house. I'd never sit there freezing, but also don't want to spend a fortune having a 21c house 24/7, and definitely not when im not even conscious.