I always knew trumps demise would be spectacular but wow

I’m going to bed so I can try and complete the double of a full days work and childcare tomorrow, but I’m genuinely concerned what I’m going to wake up to.

Hopefully a Biden certification and nothing else
There were calls for extra police - but Trump blocked the request before all this happened. He knew full well what was going on. He is totally complicit.

Of course he is complicit. He wanted a sh*tshow - a sort of public statement to back up his ludicrous stance.
If not thing else it has shown the weaknesses in the absolute power available to a corrupt president.
But who will fix them?
What has happened to the USA?

Is this what happens when the middle has been hollowed out of a society and you are left with a extremely rich people and the mass are living from week to week - like Germany in 1932/3. People become angry and lash out. A country becomes unrecognisible from what it was previously?
2016 trump talking about ted Cruz the man now sacrificing his own career in his name

Trump: "This guy Ted Cruz is the single biggest liar I have ever dealt with in my life. I mean it. ... He will lie about anything. I've met much tougher people than Ted Cruz. He's like a baby. ... He's like a little baby. Soft, weak, little baby by comparison. But for lying, he's the best I've ever seen. ... A guy like Ted Cruz, he has no clue. He never employed anybody. He's a nasty, nasty guy."​


Trump: "This guy Ted Cruz is the single biggest liar I have ever dealt with in my life. I mean it. ... He will lie about anything. I've met much tougher people than Ted Cruz. He's like a baby. ... He's like a little baby. Soft, weak, little baby by comparison. But for lying, he's the best I've ever seen. ... A guy like Ted Cruz, he has no clue. He never employed anybody. He's a nasty, nasty guy."​

Doesn't Trump own a mirror?
Again 2016 Cruz on trump

Cruz: "If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I'm not confident which pedal I'd push."​

I remember
Israels Occupation of the Golan Heights
Paris in 1968.
Nixons impeachment
The End of the Vietnam War
The end of Apartheid in South Africa
Pinochets murderous regime in Chile.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall.
The end of the USSR
9/11 and now 1/6 2021.

Plenty more

But each a pivotal moment in its own way.

Today, the events in Washington and everything over the last 4 years, will raise doubts about the USA, its fragility and what it claims to stand for.
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What has happened to the USA?

Is this what happens when the middle has been hollowed out of a society and you are left with a extremely rich people and the mass are living from week to week - like Germany in 1932/3. People become angry and lash out. A country becomes unrecognisible from what it was previously?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, free market capitalism is an extreme ideology and as dangerous as communism