Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

What happens if we pay Iran the money owned on the condition she, and any other British hostages are released? Very, very simplistic solution I know, probably politically not possible, but what would the USA do - invade us? Not give us the trade deal they are not going to give us? Apply sanctions to the UK?
Post BrEXit, "wE gOT oUR sOverInTY" back, so why can't we act like an independent nation? Or is there a lot more to it......🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
What happens if we pay Iran the money owned on the condition she, and any other British hostages are released? Very, very simplistic solution I know, probably politically not possible, but what would the USA do - invade us? Not give us the trade deal they are not going to give us? Apply sanctions to the UK?
Post BrEXit, "wE gOT oUR sOverInTY" back, so why can't we act like an independent nation? Or is there a lot more to it......🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
The Americans have paid money to Iran and US hostages released.
Mrs Mitchell went to visit Richard Ratcliffe on his hunger strike yesterday. It's all a very sad situation when peoples lives are destroyed by political posturing like this. Pay up, let her go home, there is a 7 year old child with no memories of her mum, that's horrible. There is a man whose had his life with his wife stolen from him, and no one in power has done a thing about it.
Apart from Johnson whose misstatements cause her to be there in the first place, but does not even acknowledge it, let alone do anything about it.