Well-known member
There was quite literally an open invite for people to go speak with the group this week gone..The walk out on 30min but return for second half is a WAY BETTER IDEA!
That would actually be supported around the ground and have a noticeable, visual impact.
No matter how people feel about the prices enough simply won’t leave a game, and just the RF, plus a few scattered ransoms, will just look like what it is….the RF doing their thing in isolation.
Surely the message to get across is EVERYBODY is unhappy with prices, and a short sharp 15min emptying of seats around the ground achieves this WAY more than just the RF doing it for an hour of game.
@RF…..why not propose your ideas on places like here first and get some wider feedback?!! Crazy that as a fan group you don’t actually tout ideas and settle on something that works for everybody and gets ALL fans onside which ultimately helps achieve your goals more.