The end?

Yep it would be counterproductive. They currently have the moral high ground and the West’s support, any movement into dirty bombs or other nasty weapons and acts would probably see that support waver.
plus they are attacking russian troops on Ukrainian soil, they don't want any contamination on their own soil with horrible chemicals.

Really? That has to be nonsense, the photograph shows T34s with white painted wheels - they are headed for a display/parade.
plus they are attacking russian troops on Ukrainian soil, they don't want any contamination on their own soil with horrible chemicals.

Agreed. This is an interesting thread, with another interesting thread linked regarding a potential “dirty bomb” and it’s impact, which is significant but not as devastating as I thought it might be. I still can’t see logic in Ukraine going down this route so I’m gonna file it in the big box of Russian bollox.

Azerbaijan have turned completely on Russia and denounced the war

Azerbaijan are also in Csto, the Russian equivalent to nato

Where's this?
That's not a new development, as far as I can see.
They condemned the war from the start.

Which is ironic considering their own ongoing war and genocidal acts against Armenia.

Really? That has to be nonsense, the photograph shows T34s with white painted wheels - they are headed for a display/parade.

No idea myself. But tanks are his thing, so I presume he has some idea what he's talking about.
More meandering thoughts from Lt Colonel Batshit Crazy for you to take or deride

Ukraine is really irritatingly good at keeping quiet this time around in Kherson.
By piecing together from Russian sources on telegram it is fairly obvious that things are not going well for the Russians.
Russia has lost half of the territory they held in West Kherson compared to last week, and that is on both sides of the Inhulets river.
I finally figured out what the deal is with the water release from the Nova Kakhovka dam.
The Russians are using the old ferry channel below the dam, and to use that they needed to raise the river level by about half a meter to be able to use their ferries due to the silting.
Another oddity here, normally you let your most elite forces to the rearguard due to them being less prone to being routed, and thusly increasing the chance for an orderly retreat.
Russia has now switched those elite forces (well somewhat less incompetent forces really), and have instead inserted untrained Mobiks as cannon fodder in the way of the advancing Ukrainians.

Super weapons
Russia has now introduced their dreaded super tank that has been long awaited, all over Russia they chanted with joy as a train of mighty T-34s entered Ukraine.
This is my penultimate "told you so" moment. I had bored even our army commander to tears with stating that the war will not be over until Russia sends in the T-34s. Everyone and the cat told me that Russia have none of them left.
But, turns out I was right, so I sent an image to her of the train once more proving her opinion about me. Let us say that grudging respect is the best we can manage for each other.
The T-34 will work well together with the rickety D-1 howitzer of WWII mint.
It obviously does not help that Russias largest explosives factory suffered from a failure of existance two days ago.

Ukraine are now slowly and steadily pushing grunting Wagnerites backwards. Some 20 000 dead Russians and 60 000 wounded, all for nothing after a relatively small tank fist from Ukraine hit them.

All over Russia people are starting to protest, with the exception of Moscow.
And Kremlin is not overly bothered with protests in far flung parts of the country, they are much more on top of not getting protests in Moscow itself. I reiterate, In Russia Only Moscow Counts.
Unless entire chunks of Russia start to break away protests out there will not reverberate in Moscow, it is even impossible to move the protesters to Moscow due to the distances.
It is though reported that Russian cities, Moscow included are looking weird. There are just no men visible, only women. Russian men have either fled, been mobilised, or are indulging in the new Russian national sport of hiding in the woods.
Sleeping in a sleeping bag in the woods in the middle of Russia, or without a sleeping bag in the trenches of Bakhmut, the choice is fairly easy to make. Especially since your wife or mother can come with Borstj to the forrest.
There is even a new word in Russian for it, Campniks.
Personally I think that if against all odds the war is ongoing in January they will start to mobilise women.
Many Russian women are also figuring this out, so the amount of Russian women running away is steadily rising now.

Time and again people harp about nukes, dirty bombs, dam bustings, and poisonous toads, that will be employed.
I do not believe in any of it.
If Russia would have used a nuke they would have done so by now to turn the tide, and Russia knows that the west will enter the war if they do that.
Dirty bombs? Well, if they even contemplated it they now know that they would be erradicated if they do so, because everyone told Soyghurt exactly what would happen.
Dam? Nope, turns out that Russia can't cut their own water supply in Crimea. They would just force themselves out of there faster than they intend to go.
Chemical weapons? Not likely, would not make a difference, but would come with an immediate attack of the west.

The Imaginot Lines
Much rejoicing (confusion) is evident in Russia over the news of the building of a huge defense position around Kursk and Belgorod. Fear is setting in as more and more videos are spread of the installations being built. Finally ordinary Russians are starting to understand that the war is going so badly that Russia itself is at risk.
Personally I am starting to believe that Ukraine will attack after Kherson and more parts of Luhansk are liberated. It would sort of be a knockout blow taking a chunk of Russia, it would be a good bargaining chip if nothing else, and the direction is towards Moscow so they would get the picture since in Russia only Moscow counts.
I do though think that Ukraine want to cut the railroad across Troitske first to choke Russian logistics further, prior to doing that attack. Russia would after all need that one to move reinforcements out of Ukraine to try to hold those giant arsed Imaginot lines.

The Hybrid War
Much is being written about Russia destroying cables and whatnots around Europe. Well, it is true that they are doing that on a limited scale. But, it only started after Russian thingies was cut, blown, subverted, and generally mayhemed.
Doing naughty stuff to poor inanimate both under water and on land is Europes new passtime.
My personal favourite was the complete plugging of a sewage works outflow pipe. Backflow is an interesting aspect of physics, let us just say that the result was both spectacular and annoying for the residents."
View attachment 46415
Unless the page has been recently edited that same photo appeared in January 2019 here.

The story was also covered in The Times.

Short one today.

The Ukrainian flag is flying outside of Komyshany right outside Kherson City that is now near to being encircled.
This is now official. Ukraine is starting to show the party pictures from their offensive.
About 60 percent of Western Kherson south of the Inhulets River is Ukrainian again, and roughly the same north of the Inhulets.

Kreminna is in a tactical encirclement, I think the Russians will goodwill out of there soon.

Russia now has less than 700 tanks remaining, this is pretty astounding really. This means that Ukraine now for the first time in the war has a confirmed upper hand in tank numbers at around 1000 operational tanks, and with about 2 newly produced being churned out each day.
The T-34s turned out to come from a forgotten warehouse in Tobolsk where they used to dish them out as war memorials across the Soviet Union. I guess someone planed to sell them later on as "souvenirs" to collectors, and that is why they are in such a good nick.
Ukraine also have more APCs compared to Russia.
So Ukraine not only in technology level has the upper hand, now it is also in shear numbers.
Talking about numbers, Ukraine is currently fielding 900 000 men and women under arms, whereas Russia is fielding roughly 450 000 men. And since the mobilisation is really going soso the Russians are struggling to even keep even beard with the 2000 they in dead and wounded per day.
Pretty much every thicket of trees in Russia has its own vodka-gulping Campnik (gotta love that word). Since you are not legally mobilised unless you have been served personally extended camping trips is seen as a very good thing for mens health in Russia. Lots of fresh air and no Ukrainians killing you, and you get to keep your camping bag unlike on the frontline.

I have renamed the Russian defencive lines inside Russia into the Imaginot Lines a few days ago. I did though not expect to be prophetic in picking that name.
Last evening it was pointed out to me how apt Imaginot was after someone found on a sat image that the city of Tomsk is sprouting a large ass Imaginot Line complete with Dragons Teeth and the rest.
Either Russia knows something we do not know, or the usage of Dutch herbs is very prevalent there, after all I doubt that even the crafty Ukrainians would get into deep Siberia anytime soon.

Blown up tracks and derailments in Russia has now transcended 150 incidents. It seems that this is an entirely homegrown problem and that Russia has a resistance movement. Me like.
And in Kralovec (former Kaliningrad) an unfortunate accident has happened 150 metres upstream of the sewage system outflow pipe leading from the military and navy sewage treatment plant.
How a big carbon fiber reinforced rubber bladder ended up lodged in there is beyond my meagre understanding, I suspect someone was careless with a cigarette again.
It was discovered when the low lying toilets in the navy barracks emphatically started going backwards compared to normal operations.
I guess some hapless Russian will have to take one for the gang and swim in and dislodge the plug.

A Putin is reportedly observing the yearly nuclear excercise. Normally Putin does that, so having A Putin there is quite normal.
It is a their standard excercise, it was duly scheduled during the normal week, and everyone concerned was notified about it well in advance, same as with the NATO version. Nobody wishes for a misunderstanding when launching a couple of ICBMs. And yes, both sides notified how much, where and how it would be done.
Some excitable ones are though screaming loudly that it is the end of the world. I find it sort of comforting and as a sign of relatively sane heads being utilised in this regard.

Lastly I note that the SPOT-marked price for LNG was negative yesterday. Germany and the US have overfull storages, and deliveries are running like a clockwork, the rest of Europe is either full or nearing full.
It is close to a miracle, and proves what human ingenuity can do when pushed a bit. I seriously thought we had lost the ability to do these things, so I am very happy about this."
It was likely Tyrion Lannister. Or one of the doubles as they get to take the throne if the top man goes.

Whens the next conference/ world summit he would be likely to be visible at?
More likely to be agent X-2 Zero.
He got into a lot of bad stuff in Stingray....Anything can happen in the next half hour!