YouGov Poll - 33 Point lead!

I read somewhere, someone stated that if the Tories are in official opposition we’ll have 5 years of culture wars and immigrant bashing. If the Lib Dems become the official Opposition the Tories become backbench nonentities, powerless and voiceless. Let’s hope so. I’d love to see them wither on the vine, irrelevant, akin to a small protest group. I’m sharpening my Pencil of Judgement ready for the Booth of Destiny! Tomorrow is Election Eve and a part of me thinks I should hang my ballot paper by the bed in readiness.
I see people worried about the shy Tory factor but I thought I'd read somewhere that the polling took this into account. Maybe I dreamt it, either way, can't wait for 10pm tomorrow night 28½ hours to go!