Planned riot in Middlesborough last weekend.

I can't believe anyone truly thinks this deserves a custodial sentence. I am sure we had a thread a few weeks ago with much of the same posters proclaiming too many people are sent to prison.
I suppose it depends if you are happy to live in a world where people purely on the grounds of colour are advocating burning people of a different colour. Sounds pretty abhorrent to me and removing such people from society within the sentencing guidelines seems completely appropriate.
And as for these for whom do not fit the criteria for release but were all the same and on who's authority!!!

If someone was released by mistake that isn’t the government responsibility it’s the people in charge of operating.

You don’t understand the difference between governmance and management do you. I’ll explain one created the strategy and rules. The other operates those rules on a daily basis…the second is where this problem occurred
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And as for these for whom do not fit the criteria for release but were all the same and on who's authority!!!

I wasn't commenting on the wisdom of the policy (and certainly not on its implementation, I have no expertise there) just that you were wrong in your assertion that it was a purely Labour policy. I notice from earlier in the thread that you are keenly awaiting the verdict in the Ricky Jones case. Be fascinated to hear if you've provided advice to his solicitor to go for the "sticks and stones and all that shoite" defence in his case that you seem to think would have tipped the scales in Mrs Connolly's defence? Or is there a fundamental difference between his case and hers that means you think he deserves jail and she doesn't?