Private Eye and Teesside freeport

Yes but only after the PPE documentary, the Russia report documentary, the Johnson wallpaper/free accommodation/super-injunction House of Lords appointment documentary, the Johnson Lebedev house visit and House of Lords appointment documentary, the Reece-Mogg/Gove/Baker brexit lies documentary, the government-protected Energy cartel documentary, the government-protected water monopolies documentary etc.
So, next week then.
So by the evidence, pretty bloody diligently laid out by Richard Brooks, and the continual lies, disinformation, refusal to comply with FoI requests etc by Houchen and his cartel......long term what did he think would happen?

Was he naïve enough to think that he would simply hide behind the Freeport principles, self regulation and do whatever you want - with no consequences?

It's absolutely shocking and bravo to Private Eye, YP and the other journalists for their work in exposing this blatant corruption and cronyism.


Gove is one of the few politicians whose words alone can be used as industrial lubricant. Watch his responses in the committee this week.
Where does the money up front come from? PFI?
I don't think it was PFI I thought they had stopped by 2019. Some obviously came from the sale of old building/land on the site and future savings such as lower energy/maintenance/cleaning costs. Also Simon Clarke lobbied from some cash, possibly Levelling Up money.

Ref Teesport/Teesworks - it is interesting how this will all end.
I don't think it was PFI I thought they had stopped by 2019. Some obviously came from the sale of old building/land on the site and future savings such as lower energy/maintenance/cleaning costs. Also Simon Clarke lobbied from some cash, possibly Levelling Up money.

Ref Teesport/Teesworks - it is interesting how this will all end.

Correct there are no new PFI projects , but plenty of ones on going for many years to come. Interestingly this sort project may have been a sensible one for PFI, borrowing money against future assest sales. Obviously John major started PFI as a sort of accounting fiddle to make government debts appear smaller. Blair and Brown used it pay for major projects, but came unstuck when the world and country hit a down turn.