Oh get lost mate, just because I have an opinion which doesn't match a fairly big group on here doesn't mean I'm voting tory. And that's another issue, any challenge or different opinion to the insular political ones on here gets seen as the opposition or as hostile, there no self introspection or any anything which gives cause for pause. The narrative on here by mostly the local Labour members ( I'm guessing) is let's go for BH, let's nail him when we have a chance. That isn't going to been clean cut is it? It's going be messy, it's gonna be drawn out, probably things end up going into stalemate for a while it might even become headliner for the rags as they look to knock the LP for the 2029 election as they back 'plucky BH' , but the thing this is the problem it's the usual two big political parties slugging it out as normal and as a result there be a hiatus on projects in Tees Valley, investors will be scared away because projects may get binned, and central government assistance for development will be frozen and that will be the waste, BH getting away scott free is not desirable but what about let's put financial restraints or his position and work with him to achieve completion and development of the projects underway. Whether you like him or not or trust him he does have vision for the area and he knows how to convey it to the electorate. That is what most people who voted for him buy into, but that gets dismissed on here in a disparaging way about the voters.. Only a few times did I read posts after the recent TVA vote comments that were self critical of the LP campaign and how that could have been done better, most posts just felt bitter and I read the usual dismissal of voter ****.
To go back to my voting record, I'm not a Labour supporter, I didn't vote in 2005, because I was still ***ed off about Iraq. I voted Liberal in 2010, and I will never vote again for them, I wanted a change, I ended up with the Tory party.
I have voted Labour every election since then, but that is mostly down to the efforts of Ben Bradshaw who has been outstanding as an MP for Exeter. He is stepping down and his replacement is a guy called Steve Race, I'm not sure if I vote. I don't vote tory ( not intentionally - 2010), and I don't trust independents they all seem to have been hijacked by neoliberal interests.